Choose the region from the drop-down menu (top-right of map)
Infrastructure Demand by the year 2030
Infrastructure/ Capacity Gap by the year 2030
Investment Needs (million USD) by the year 2030
A Continental Infrastructure Market and Demand Study for Africa
The objective of the project, the Market and Demand Study, is to examine the existing and potential market and demand for regional infrastructure in the four PIDA sectors (energy, transboundary water, transport and ICT) in all its five geographical regions (North, West, East, Southern and Central) for the period 2020-2030. The infrastructure capacity gaps and infrastructure investment needs across each sector and region until 2030 are also estimated. The findings from the Market and Demand Study will feed into the ongoing development of the PIDA – PAP 2 planning process. This web-based dashboard provides the following decision-support functionality: visualizing the existing regional infrastructures in the four PIDA sectors and exploring the existing and future infrastructure demand, capacity gaps and expected investment needs under various growth scenarios across all sectors and regions.
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Interactive data filters with Drag'n'Drop functionality
Enables data exploration and analysis by turning a data set into a summary table and then optionally adding a true 2-d drag'n'drop UI to allow a user to manipulate this summary table